Power supply for servo motor evaluation

Power supply for servo motor characteristics evaluation

Servo motors are used when a steep operation is required.

Because it is common for control cycles to easily exceed kHz, general-purpose DC or AC power supplies cannot support the control.

In such cases, the PBZ series of bipolar power supplies is recommended.

Power supply for servo motor characteristics evaluation
Power supply for servo motor evaluation

The PBZ series can be used to evaluate the servo motor characteristics. It can output frequencies of up to 150 kHz.
Since this product can keep up with the servo motor operation that requires a high-speed response, it can be used as a pseudo-servo amplifier during motor development. Moreover, because the four-quadrant operation is possible, both voltage and current can be operated in the ± range.

[kHz]Reproducing AC Signals with kHz Frequencies

The PBZ series can output frequencies up to 150 kHz and easily follow the servo motor operation that requires high-speed control.

Moreover, the floating output terminals can also be used to evaluate three-phase AC servo motors by synchronously controlling the same output devices.

The lineup ranges from 20 V to 80 V models. The 80 V models can handle overvoltage up to 48 V, which has been increasing in recent years.

PBZ Series
Pseudo resistive loadPBZ Series (synchronous operation function)

Frequency: CV 100kHz model

  • PBZ20-20(±20V/ ±20A)
  • PBZ40-10(±40V/ ±10A)
  • PBZ60-6.7(±60V/ ±6.7A)
  • PBZ80-5(±80V/ ±5A)
  • USB, GPIB, RS232C as standard equipment

Frequency: CV 150kHz model

  • PBZ20-20A(±20V/ ±20A)
  • Peak current: 6 times 120A output

Frequency: CV 100kHz high-capacity model

Pseudo resistive load
  • PBZ-SR series (12 models)

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