KPM1000 – Application


This is an application software for digital power meter KPM1000. By using this software, you can do displaying all measurement parameters of KPM1000 in one pane, logging measurement data , and acquiring the waveform data. Logging data or waveform data is formatted in CSV(comma-delimited text) . Therefore, you can easily use the data at Spreadsheet(ex. Microsoft Excel).
From this version, standby power measurement function that complies with IEC 62301 Ed1.0 , THD measurement function ,and language switching function(English / Japanese) have been added.
After extracting the downloaded file, read the “ReadMe_e.htm”, please do the setup.


Last update



  • Windows7(x86/x64)
  • Windows8(x86/x64)
  • Windows10(x86/x64)
  • GPIB/RS-232C/USB

*When using the GPIB/USB, the interface card (factory option) must be installed to KPM1000.


For operating this software, you must have any one VISA library below that corresponds to the VISA COM software and .net Framework.

.net Framework (Installation is required only when using Windows7)

  • Microsoft .net Framework 4.0 Client Profile (included)

VISA Library

  • NI-VISA 19.0 or later
  • Agilent IO Libraries Suite 2019 or later
  • KI-VISA 5.5.0 or later

*VISA library is not included. Please download the latest version from here.


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