InputNominal input rated voltageSingle-phase/three-phase 200 to 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz
Input voltage range / Input frequency range180 V to 250 V / 47 Hz to 63 Hz
Efficiency84% (min)85% (min) [at input voltage of 200 VAC and rated load]
Power factor0.95 (typical) [at input voltage of 200 VAC and rated load]
Input currentSingle-phase 22 A (max) [at 3 kW load]/three-phase 17 A (max) [at rated load]
Inrush current50 A peak (max)
Input powerSingle-phase 4 kVA (max) [at 3 kW load]/three-phase 5 kVA (max) [at rated load]
OutputRatingRated output power4 kW(three-phase input mode) / 3 kW(single-phase input mode)
Rated output voltage20.00 V40.00 V60.00 V160.0 V
Rated output current200.0 A100.0 A67.00 A25.00 A
Constant voltageSetting accuracy± (0.2% of rating +50 mV)
Maximum settable voltage105% of rating
Line regulation± (0.05% of rating +5 mV)
Load regulation± (0.1% of rating +5 mV)
Transient response time5 ms (at instantaneous change in load current from 50% to 100%)
Ripple noise100 mVp-p300 mVp-p350 mVp-p350 mVp-p
When the measurement frequency band is 10 Hz to 20 MHz
10 mVrms30 mVrms30 mVrms30 mVrms
When the measurement frequency band is 5 Hz to 1 MHz
Rise time100 ms (rated load)/100 ms (no load)
Fall time100 ms (rated load)/2000 ms (no load)
Temperature coefficient100 ppm/ ̊C (max) [with external analog control]
Constant current *1Setting accuracy± (0.5% of rating +50 mA)
Maximum settable current105% of rating × 75% (with single-phase input) / 105% of rating (with three-phase input)
Line regulation± (0.1% of rating +30 mA)
Load regulation± (0.2% of rating +30 mA)
Ripple noise400 mArms300 mArms250 mArms200 mArms
When the measurement frequency band is 5 Hz to 1 MHz
Temperature coefficient200 ppm/ ̊C (typ) [with external analog control]
OUTPUT ON/OFF delayOFF. 0.1 to 10.0 s (resolution: 0.1 s)
Voltage displayMaximum display99.99999.9
Accuracy± (0.2% of reading +5 digits) at 23 ̊C ±5 ̊C
Current displayMaximum display999.999.99
Accuracy± (0.5% of reading +5 digits) at 23 ̊C ±5 ̊C
Protection functionsOvervoltage protection (OVP) / Overcurrent protection (OCP) / Overheat protection (OHP) / Input open phase protection (PHASE) / Fan error protection (FAN)
Mis-connection protection (SENSE) / Breeder circuit overheat protection (BOHP) / Shutdown (SD)
External analog controlOUTPUT ON/OFF control, etc.OUTPUT ON/OFF, SHUTDOWN
Constant voltage, external voltage control0% to 100% of the rated output voltage at 0 to 10 V
Constant voltage, external resistance control0% to 100% or 100% to 0% of the rated output voltage at 0 Ω to 10 kΩ
Constant current, external voltage control0% to 100% of tared output current at 0 to 10 V
Constant current, external resistance control0% to 100% or 100% to 0% of rated output currenn at 0 Ω to 10 kΩ
Monitor outputOutput voltage10.00 V ±0.25 V at rated voltage output
0.00 V ±0.25 V at 0 V output
Output current10.00 V ±0.25 V at rated current output
0.00 V ±0.25 V at 0 A current
Status outputOUT ON, CV, CC, ALARM, POWER ON, POWER OFF, insulated open collector
Remote controlEquipped with RS232C interface as standard. SCPI commands, up to 38,400 bps
Operating temperature and humidity range0 ̊C to 50 ̊C, 20% to 85% rh
Storage temperature and humidity range-25 ̊C to 70 ̊C, 90% rh or less (non-condensing)
Dimensions (maximum)430 (440)(16.93”(17.32”)) W × 129.2 (155)(5.09”(6.10”)) H × 550 (620)(21.65”(24.41”)) D mm
WeightApprox. 20 kg(44.09 Ib)Approx. 19 kg(41.89 Ib)Approx. 18 kg(39.68 Ib)

During constant current operation (set the output voltage at the rated output current greater than equal to the rated output voltage) Rated load: Refers to a load with a resistance that makes the voltage drop when the rated output current is supplied to be 95 % to 100 % of the maximum output voltage at the rated output current. The output voltage of the PAT including the voltage drop in the load cable must not exceed the maximum output voltage at the rated output current. No load:Refers to a load with a resistance that makes the voltage drop when the rated output current is supplied to be 10 % of the maximum output voltage or 1 V, whichever is greater, at the rated output current.

Related specifications : PAT-T Series

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