PAV_400W_Setting and readback (USB, RS232, RS485, optional LAN interface)

Output Voltage SettingAccuracy0.05% of the rated output voltage0.05% of the output voltage + 0.05% of the rated output voltage
Number of decimal digits3 digits2 digits
ResolutionApprox. 1/60000 of rated output voltage
Output current settingAccuracy *180.1% of output current + 0.1% of the rated output current0.2% of the rated output current
Number of decimal digits3 digits4 digits
ResolutionApprox. 1/60000 of rated output current
Output voltage readbackAccuracy0.05% of the rated output voltage0.05% of the output voltage + 0.05% of the rated output voltage
ResolutionApprox. 1/60000 of rated output voltage
Output current readbackAccuracy *180.1% of output current + 0.3% of the rated output current
ResolutionApprox. 1/60000 of rated output current

Related specifications : PAV Series

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