PAV_600W_Constant current mode

Maximum line regulation *5 (at the rated output current)0.01% +2mA0.02%
Maximum load regulation *16 (at the rated output current)0.01% +5mA0.09%
Change in the load due to the temperature drift of internal components (at the rated output current)0.15% or less (for 30 minutes after the load conditions are changed)0.05% or less (for 30 minutes after the load conditions are changed)
Ripple noise *17 (5 Hz to 1 MHz, rms)150mA75mA25mA8mA5mA2mA1.5mA1mA
Temperature coefficient100PPM/℃(30分ウォームアップ後、定格出力電流に対して)
Aging drift *8 (at the rated output current)0.05%
Initial drift *9 (at the rated output current)0.3%0.15%0.1%0.1%

Related specifications : PAV Series

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