
Cooling systemForced air cooling using internal fan
Weight1.9 kg (4.2 lb) or less: 200 W, 400 W types (models whose rated output voltage is 10 V to 100 V and 160 V to 650 V)
2.0 kg (4.4 lb) or less: 600 W, 800 W types (models whose rated output voltage is 160 V to 650 V)
2.1 kg (4.6 lb) or less: 600 W, 800 W types (models whose rated output voltage is 10 V to 100 V)
DimensionsSee outline drawing.
Vibration resistanceIEC60068-2-64
Shock resistance196.1 m/s2 (20 G) or less, half sine, 11 ms, when not packaged, when not operating (IEC 60068-2-27)

Related specifications : PAV Series

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