PBZ_Constant voltage (CV mode)

DC voltageSetting range*1Bipolar mode0.000 V to ±21.000 V0.000 V to ±21.000 V0.000 V to ±42.000 V0.000 V to ±63.000 V0.000 V to ±84.000 V
Unipolar mode0.000 V to 21.000 V0.000 V to 21.000 V0.000 V to 42.000 V0.000 V to 63.000 V0.000 V to 84.000 V
Fine feature±5 % of rtg
Setting resolution0.001 V (0.0001 V for the fine feature)0.002 V (0.0002 V for the fine feature)
Setting accuracy*2± (0.05 % of setting + 0.05 % of rtg)
Temperature coefficient±100 ppm/°C of rtg (TYP)
AC voltageSetting range*10.00 Vpp to 42.00 Vpp0.00 Vpp to 42.00 Vpp0.00 Vpp to 84.00 Vpp0.00 Vpp to 126.00 Vpp0.00 Vpp to 168.00 Vpp
Setting resolution0.01 V0.1 V
Accuracy of setting*3±0.5 % of rtg
AC frequencySelectable range0.01 Hz to 200.00 kHz0.01 Hz to 100.00 kHz
Setting resolution0.01 Hz
Setting accuracy±200 ppm
SweepLinear and logarithmic
Sweep time100 μs to 1000 s (resolution of 100 μs)
AC waveformTypeSine wave, square wave, triangle wave, and 16 user-defined arbitrary waveforms
Start phase0 ° to 359 °
Square wave duty cycle0.1 % to 99.9 % (f < 100 Hz), 1 % to 99 % (100 Hz ≤ f < 1 kHz), 10 % to 90 % (1 kHz ≤ f < 10 kHz), and fixed to 50 % (10 kHz < f)
Constant voltage characteristicsFrequency response *4DC to 150 kHz (TYP)DC to 100 kHz (TYP)
Response *5, *62.3 μs, 6.7 μs, 23 μs, 67 μs (TYP)3.5 μs, 10 μs, 35 μs, 100 μs (TYP)
Overshoot5 % or less (TYP)
Ripple noise(p-p)*720 mV (TYP)30 mV (TYP)
(rms)*82 mV (TYP)4 mV (TYP)
Load effect *8±(0.005 % of setting + 1 mV)
Source effect *9±(0.005 % of setting + 1 mV)

* 1. The peak value of the sum of the DC voltage and AC voltage is limited by the DC voltage’s settable range. * 2. At an ambient temperature between 18 °C and 28 °C. * 3. At an ambient temperature between 18 °C and 28 °C, with a 1 kHz sine wave, 3.5 μs response, and no load. * 4. A frequency where the amplitude ratio of the output voltage to the external signal input voltage is -3 dB (when the reference frequency is 1 kHz, the response is 3.5 μs, and when a rated load is connected). * 5. The rise or fall time (at rated load; excluding when output is turned on and off). The frequency response is based on the specified response setting (frequency bandwidth = 0.35/the rise time). * 6. Rise time: The time it takes for the output voltage to rise from 10 % to 90 % of the rating when the output voltage is changed from 0 V to the rated voltage. Fall time: The time it takes for the output voltage to fall from 90 % to 10 % of the rating when the output voltage is changed from the rated voltage to 0 V. * 7. The measurement frequency bandwidth is 10 Hz to 20 MHz (at the output terminals). * 8. The measurement frequency bandwidth is 10 Hz to 1 MHz (at the output terminals). * 9. The change in the output voltage in response to a change in the output current from 0 % to 100 % of the current rating (measured at the sensing terminals when remote sensing is used). * 10.The change in the output voltage in response to a ±10 % change in the input voltage in reference to the nominal input voltage (measured at the sensing terminals when remote sensing is used).

Related specifications : PBZ Series

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