PLZ-5WH2_Constant power (CP) mode

Operating range0 W to 1000 W0 W to 2000 W0 W to 4000 W0 W to 12000 W0 W to 20000 W
Selectable range0.00 W to 1010.00 W0.00 W to 2020.00 W0 W to 4040.00 W0.0000 kW to 12.1200 kW0.0000 kW to 20.2000 kW
Resolution0.02 W0.05 W0.1 W0.0005 kW
Setting accuracy ±(0.5 % of rating *1 + 0.02 A × Vin *2)±(0.5 % of rating *1 + 0.04 A × Vin *2)±(0.5 % of rating *1 + 0.08 A × Vin *2)±(0.5 % of rating *1 + 0.2 A × Vin *2)±(0.5 % of rating *1 + 0.4 A × Vin *2)
Parallel operation±(1 % of power rating + 0.1 % current rating × Vin *2)

* 1. Rated power * 2. DC INPUT terminal voltage or SENSING terminal voltage.

Related specifications : PLZ-5WH2 Series

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