PWR-01_J2 connector pin arrangement

PIN NoSignal nameDescription
J2-1STATUS COMCommon for pins 2 to 6. *1
J2-2OUT ON STATUSOutputs a signal when output is on (output through an open-collector photocoupler). *2
J2-3PWR ON STATUSOutputs a low level signal when the power is on (output through an open-collector photocoupler). *2
J2-4ALM STATUSOutputs a signal when a protection function (OVP, OCP, FOCP, OHP, SENSE, AC-FAIL) is activated or when an output shutdown signal is being received (output through an open-collector photocoupler). *2
J2-5CV STATUSOutputs a signal during CV mode (output through an open-collector photocoupler) *2
J2-6CC STATUSOutputs a signal during CC mode (output through an open-collector photocoupler). *2

*1. The status common is floating (isolation voltage of 800 V or less). It is isolated from the control circuit. *2. Open collector output:Maximum voltage: 30 V. Maximum current: 8 mA.

Related specifications : PWR-01 Series

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