PWX_1500W_Display function

Voltage displayMaximum display99.99 (fixed decimal point)999.9 (fixed decimal point)
Display accuracy±(0.2 % of rdng +5 digits)
Current displayMaximum display999.9 (fixed decimal point)99.99 (fixed decimal point)9.999 (fixed decimal point)
Display accuracy±(0.5 % of rdng +5 digits)
Power display *1 The PWR DSPL LED lights in red.
Maximum display9999
Display accuracyDisplays the result of multiplying the current and voltage
Operation displayOUTPUT ON/OFF, CV operation, CC operation,Alarm operation, Remote operation (LAN operation),Key lock operation, Preset memory

*1. Press PWR DSPL to display the power on the ammeter. Each time you press this key, the display switches between power and current.

Related specifications : PWX Series

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