PXB_External digital input

ItemCommon to all models
Fixed input points1 point (Polarity switchable)
Selected input points5 points (Polarity switchable)
Input formPhotocoupler isolated input (Applicable to both current sink / source output)
Fixed functionALARM INHIGH alarm occurrence
Selecting functionOFFDo not use terminals
OUTPUT ONTurn on the output
OUTPUT OFFTurn off the output
OUTPUT CTRLTurn on of off the output
L ALARM INLOW alarm occurrence
ALARM CLRLOW alarm clearance
SEQ RUNSequence start/end
SEQ PAUSESequence pause/resume
INTEG CTRLStarting/stopping integration measurement
INTEG RESETResetting integration measurement data
ACQUIRE TRIGInput the measurement trigger
SEQ TRIG INInput the trigger for sequence
MEM1 RECALLRecall preset memory 1
MEM2 RECALLRecall preset memory 2
External circuit power supply range12 V to 24 Vdc (±10 %)

Related specifications : PXB Series

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