PXB_Output current

Settable maximum source current *1+840 A+210 A+126 A+63 A+31.5 A
Settable maximum sink current *1-840 A-210 A-126 A-63 A-31.5 A
Seamless setting current range *1-840 A to +840 A-210 A to +210 A-126 A to +126 A-63 A to +63 A-31.5 A to +31.5 A
Setting accuracy±(0.75 % of rating)
Setting resolution0.1 A0.02 A0.01 A0.005 A0.002 A
Line regulation±1600 mA±400 mA±240 mA±120 mA±60 mA
Load regulation±1600 mA±400 mA±240 mA±120 mA±60 mA
Rise time (Short-circuit) (TYP) *25 ms
Fall time (Short-circuit) (TYP) *35 ms
Charge/discharge switching time (TYP)10 ms
Response switchingFAST, SLOW
Slew rate switching (TYP) *4200 A/ms or more *350 A/ms or more *330 A/ms or more *315 A/ms or more *37.5 A/ms or more *3
200 A/ms50 A/ms30 A/ms15 A/ms7.5 A/ms
20 A/ms5 A/ms3 A/ms1.5 A/ms0.75 A/ms
2 A/ms0.5 A/ms0.3 A/ms0.15 A/ms0.075 A/ms
0.2 A/ms0.05 A/ms0.03 A/ms0.015 A/ms0.0075 A/ms

*1. During parallel operation, this will be the value multiplied by the number of units in the configuration. *2. In the case that the CC mode response setting is set to FAST: Applied in response to changes from 10 % to 90 % of rated output current. *3. In the case that the CC mode response setting is set to FAST: Applied in response to changes from 90 % to 10 % of rated output current. *4. MAX will appear on the display.

Related specifications : PXB Series

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