
VoltmeterMaximum display± 600.00V± 1200.00V± 1800.00V
Display accuracy±(0.1 % of reading + 0.2 % of rating)
AmmeterMaximum display± 168.000A± 84.000A± 42.000A
Display accuracy±(0.75 % of rating)
WattmeterMaximum display*1± 24.000kW
Display accuracyDisplay the integrated value of voltmeter and ammeter
Operation displayOutput ON / OFFThe OUTPUT LED on the front panel lights in green
Operation modeIndicate the followings on the upper left part of the display
CV: Green CV icon
CC: Red CC icon
CP: Orange CP icon
Remote (LAN)Indicate the followings on the upper left part of the display
Not connected: Red LAN icon
Preparing for connection: Orange LAN icon
Connected: Green LAN icon
AlarmIndicate the details of activated protection function on the display
SCPI errorIndicate the error occurring at present on the display
POWER offIndicate residual charge warning and an instruction to turn off the display, then reboot
key lockIndicate the key lock status on the upper right part of the display
SensingWhen sensing is enabled, indicate the sensing icon on the upper right part of the display
During parallel operationDisplaying the slave state on the slave unit
External controlWhen digital input/output is enabled, indicate the EXT icon on the upper right part of the display
While a sequence is runningIndicate the RUN icon on the upper right part of the display
Synchronization stateIndicate the Sync icon on the upper right part of the display
Output delayedIndicate a yellow mark on the upper left part of the display

*1 The unit will be W if it is less than 10 kW.

Related specifications : PXT series

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