TOS9300_Earth Continuity Test-Judgment function

Behavior based on judgmentJudgment based on resistance or sensing voltage can be selected. The output is shut off when a judgment is made. Buzzer volume level can be set in the range of 0 (OFF) to 10 for pass and fail separately. In an auto test, the buzzer is valid only for the judgment that takes place at the end of the program.
UPPER FAILJudgment methodUPPER FAIL results when a resistance greater than or equal to the Upper limit is detected or when a sensing voltage is detected. Judgment is not made during a contact check.
Display“U-FAIL” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe U-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
LOWER FAILJudgment methodLOWER FAIL results when a resistance less than or equal to the lower limit (Lower) is detected or when a sensing voltage is detected.
Display“L-FAIL” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe L-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
PASSJudgment methodPASS judgment is made if U-FAIL or L-FAIL has not occurred when the test time elapses.
Display“PASS” is displayed.
BuzzerOn (fixed to 50 ms)
SIGNAL I/OThe PASS signal is generated for the length of time specified by the Pass Hold setting. If Pass Hold is set to Infinity, the PASS signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
Resistance judgmentUpper limit setting range0.0001 Ω to 10.0000 Ω
Lower limit setting range0.0000 Ω to 9.9999 Ω
Judgment accuracy±(2 % of setting + 3 mΩ)
Voltage judgmentUpper limit setting range0.001 V to 5.000 V AC/DC
Lower limit setting range0.000 V to 4.999 V AC/DC
Judgment accuracy±(2 % of setting + 0.05 V)
CalibrationCalibrated using a pure resistive load (with the rms of a sine wave for AC)
Contact check functionChecks that current flows through the test leads and then starts the test. (OFF setting available)

Related specifications : TOS9300 Series

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