TOS9300_Earth Continuity Test-Measurement function

Output ammeterMeasurement range0.0 A to 45.0 A AC/DC
Resolution0.01 A
Accuracy±(1 % of reading + 0.2 A)
ResponseAC: true rms value: DC: mean value
Hold functionThe current measurement after a test is finished is held while the pass or fail judgment is displayed.
Output voltmeterMeasurement rangeAC: 0.00 V to 6.00 V, DC: 0.00 V to 8.50 V
Resolution0.001 V
Offset cancel functionCancels up to 5 V (AC/DC) of the unnecessary voltage from measurements. OFF function available.
Accuracy±(1 % of setting + 0.02 V)
ResponseAC: true rms value: DC: mean value
Hold functionThe voltage measurement after a test is finished is held while the pass or fail judgment is displayed.
Resistance meterMeasurement range *11 mΩ to 600 mΩ
Resolution1 mΩ
Offset cancel functionCancels up to 10 Ω of the unnecessary resistance from measurements. OFF function available.
Accuracy±(2 % of reading + 3 mΩ)
Hold functionThe resistance measurement after a test is finished is held while the pass judgment is displayed.

*1 Calculated from the measured output voltage and measured output current.

Related specifications : TOS9300 Series

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