TOS9300_Earth Continuity Test-Output function

Current setting range *13.0 A to 42.0 A AC/DC
Resolution0.1 A
Accuracy±(1 % of setting + 0.4 A)
ACMaximum rated output *2220 VA (at the output terminal)
Distortion2 % or less (20 A or more, using a 0.1 Ω pure resistive load)
FrequencySelect 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Sine
Accuracy±200 ppm
Open terminal voltage6 Vrms or less
Output methodPWM switching
DCMaximum rated output220 W (at the output terminal)
Ripple±0.4 Ap-p or less (TYP)
Open terminal voltage6.0 V or less

*1 No greater than the maximum rated output and resistance no greater than the output terminal voltage 5.4 V. *2 When tests are performed consecutively, output time limit and rest time may become necessary depending on the upper limit setting.

Related specifications : TOS9300 Series

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