TOS9300_Partial Discharge Test-Judgment function

AC output sectionTOS9301PD
Electric discharge judgmentThe output is shut off when a judgment is made.
UPPER FAIL (Current)Judgment methodA current higher than or equal to the upper limit is measured.
Display“Upper-FAIL (Current)” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe Upper-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
UPPER FAIL (Coulomb)Judgment methodAn electric charge greater than or equal to the upper limit is measured.
Display“Upper-FAIL (Coulomb)” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe Upper-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
UPPER FAIL (Pulse)Judgment methodA discharge pulse count greater than or equal to the upper limit is measured.
Display“Upper-FAIL (Pulse)” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe Upper-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
PASSJudgment methodUpper-FAIL does not happen after the test time has elapsed.
Display“PASS” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe PASS signal is generated for the length of time specified by the Pass Hold set-ting. If Pass Hold is set to Infinity, the PASS signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
Upper current limit50 mA (with no calibration)
Upper limit of electric charge (Upper Coulomb)Setting range1 pC to 10000 pC
AccuracyAs per the accuracy of electric charge measurement
Pulse count judgment criteria (Upper Pulse Count) setting range1 to 100000 (with no calibration)

Related specifications : TOS9300 Series

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