TOS9300_Partial Discharge Test-Measurement function

AC output sectionTOS9301PD
VoltmeterMeasurement range0.00 kV to 7.50 kV AC/DC
Resolution0.1 V
Accuracy±(1.2 % of reading + 0.05 kV)
ResponseCan be switched between true rms and peak-value response.
Peak-value response in a separate system (the peak-value response is for measuring the dielectric breakdown voltage while rising)
Hold functionThe voltage measurement after a test is finished is held while the pass/fail judgment is displayed.
Electric charge measurementElectric charge measurement methodIEC60664-1 Edition 3.0 compliant
Measurement range0 pC to 10000 pC
Measurement resolution100pC range0.1pC
1000pC range0.1pC
10000pC rang1 pC
Accuracy *1100pC range±(5 % of full scale + 7 pC)
1000pC range±(5 % of full scale)
10000pC rang±(5 % of full scale)
Measurement intervalDetermined based on the measured values in each cycle of an applied voltage.
Hold functionThe electric charge after a test is finished is held while the pass judgment is displayed.
Maximum electrostatic capacity of the EUT10 nF
Peak hold functionHolds the maximum value during a measurement.
Filter functionA low-pass filter can be inserted into the electric charge measurement circuit.
Discharge inception voltage, discharge inception voltage measurementMeasures the voltage at which discharge exceeding a preset electric charge starts and the voltage at which discharge ceases (complies with IEC60664-1 third edition).
Calibration (Precalibration)Calibrate using the built-in calibration capacitor (1000 pF).
Pulse counting function Counts the number of pulses that have passed through the high-pass filter and makes a FAIL judgment if the count exceeds the upper limit.
Upper limit setting range1 to 100000
BPF characteristics switching function Can switch the characteristics of the band-pass filter in the electric charge measuring circuit
Center frequency100 kHz / 160 kHz / 300 kHz
Coupling capacitor0.01 μF

*1 When Band Pass Filter is set to 160 kHz.

Related specifications : TOS9300 Series

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