TOS9300_Programmable Detection Response Speed

LPFSlowMean value response type current detector. This is similar to the current detection response of Kikusui’s general-purpose AC withstanding voltage testers. This setting is suitable for detecting dielectric breakdown defined in safety standards and for general hipot tests for general electronic devices and components. This setting is not recommended for detecting corona discharge, which is not considered dielectric breakdown by typical safety standards.
MediumMean value response type is faster than the SLOW setting. Upper limit judgement detection is much faster, suitable for withstanding voltage tests on compact electronic components and other EUTs prone to dielectric breakdown. Instantaneous discharges such as corona discharges with high frequencies are detected which may not be suitable for simple withstanding voltage tests.
HPFSlowExtremely small discharges such as corona discharges are detected but with low reproductibility.

Related specifications : TOS9300 Series

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