TOS9300_SIGNAL I/O Connector

Pin no.IN/OUTSignal nameDescription
1ININTERLOCK+Activate/release interlock.
2COMCircuit common (chassis potential) shared by input and output.
3INPM0Select setup memories and auto test program memories.
11INSTBRecall setup memories and programs selected with the PM0 to PM7 signals.
12ReservedNot used.
15INSTARTStart a test.
16INSTOPStop a test.
17INENABLEEnable the START signal.
18COMI/O circuit common (chassis potential).
19ININTERLOCK-Activate/release interlock.
20COMI/O circuit common (chassis potential).
21+24V+24 V internal power supply output terminal. Maximum output current 100 mA.
22OUTH.V ON/LINE ONSet to on in any of the following conditions. Testing. Auto testing. Voltage remaining across the output terminals. Power being supplied to the EUT from the TOS9303LC through AC LINE OUT.
23OUTRISESet to on when the voltage is rising.
24OUTTESTSet to on during test time.
25OUTPASSSet to on for the duration of time specified by Pass Hold when a PASS judgment is made.
26OUTU FAILSet to on continuously when a U-FAIL judgment is made. Or set to on continuously along with the L FAIL signal when CONTACT FAIL judgment is made when a scanner is connected.
27OUTL FAILSet to on continuously when an L-FAIL judgment is made. Or set to on continuously along with the U FAIL signal when CONTACT FAIL judgment is made when a scanner is connected.
28ReservedNot used.
29OUTREADYSet to on when the product is ready to start a test.
30OUTPROTECTIONSet to on when a protection function is activated.
31OUTSTEP ENDSet to on when each step ends during an auto test.
32OUTCYCLE ENDSet to on when the last step ends during an auto test.
33OUTACWSet to on when the test mode is set to AC withstanding voltage test.
34OUTDCWSet to on when the test mode is set to DC withstanding voltage test.
35OUTIRSet to on when the test mode is set to insulation resistance test.
36OUTECSet to on when the test mode is set to earth continuity test.
37OUTLCSet to on when the test mode is set to touch current test or protective conductor test.

Related specifications : TOS9300 Series

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